Showing posts with label passageways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label passageways. Show all posts

Monday, March 14, 2011


I've been having trouble finishing this draft of the manuscript I'm working on. It's the draft that counts. Not my beloved first draft where I'm having fun exploring ideas and characters and plot twists, or even the enticing second draft where I'm putting the pieces together and can see them take shape. No, this is the one where I have to make all those ideas work, and the one I'll be sending to my agent in a short time.

I can almost see the light at the end. Almost.

To help me get there, I've got some photos I've taken of passageways. These remind me that it's the journey that counts -- and that yes, I will indeed get to that end.

Brompton Cemetery in London

An alley in Edinburgh

A grove of trees at the Claremont Colleges

I didn't take this last one -- it's a photo of me taking a photo of a cemetery passageway.
